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Register to Vote in NJ by October 17th!

By Clara Wheatley-Schaller / October 2, 2023

The stakes are high in the upcoming election when all 120 seats in the NJ Legislature and 58 union members running for […]

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58 Rank-and-File Labor Candidates Are on the Ballot in NJ!

By Clara Wheatley-Schaller / September 15, 2023

Message from the NJ State AFL-CIO: In New Jersey this year, 58 rank-and-file union members have answered Labor’s call and are running […]

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Our Joint Board Members Stand with Rainbow Workers in Philadelphia!

By Clara Wheatley-Schaller / July 31, 2023

Members of our Joint Board are showing solidarity with their union siblings in Philadelphia who are in the midst of contract negotiations […]

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Stay Updated on the Starbucks Campaign!

By Clara Wheatley-Schaller / June 30, 2023

Since last year, 13 Starbucks stores in downstate NY have unionized with our Joint Board, and more than 330 stores have unionized […]

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Workers at the Rainbow eCommerce Fulfillment Center Begin Bargaining!

By Clara Wheatley-Schaller / June 29, 2023

Our joint board represents workers at the Rainbow Ecommerce Fulfillment Center in Philadelphia. The Bargaining Committee has been working hard to get […]

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Demonstration to Demand Levi’s Sign the Accord on Fire and Building Safety

By Clara Wheatley-Schaller / April 28, 2023

On Friday, April 21, activists from Workers United and allies held a demonstration outside the Levi’s flagship store in Times Square, to demand that Levi’s sign the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in the Textile and Garment Sector. 

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