Statement on U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision on Starbucks v McKinney

Statement from Lynne Fox, International President of Workers United:

“Working people have so few tools to protect and defend themselves when their employers break the law. That makes today’s ruling by the Supreme Court to chip away at the NLRB’s power particularly egregious. It just underscores how the economy is rigged against working people all the way up to the Supreme Court.

“Starbucks should have dropped this case the day it committed to chart a new path forward with its workers. It’s incongruous to want to build a productive, positive relationship with workers and at the same time lead an attack on one of the few mechanisms they have to defend themselves against unscrupulous employers. 

“Regardless of large corporations’ machinations at the Supreme Court, workers are continuing to organize. Just this week, workers at 20 Starbucks stores filed petitions to join Starbucks Workers United. And there are nearly 450 union Starbucks stores across the country. Workers’ momentum is unstoppable and they will not let the Supreme Court slow them down.” 

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